In line with praying for frontliners in the fight against COVID19, please pray for the following intervening items (which will be added to Thursdays prayer list).

1.  Julie Cortez RN and husband Alex (NY, USA)(both are positive for COVID 19, have fever and difficulty breathing; pray that Daddy Cortez who lives with them would be spared from infection).

2.  Jenny Cortez RN (frontliner in NY, USA).

3.  Jobel Sornillo (RITM, tested negative but return to 14-day quarantine due to exposure to a covid-positive colleague.) 

4.  Grace Catalan MD (PGH, thanksgiving tested negative for covid.)

5.  Boyet Putal RN (UK, positive for covid19, still in ICU, continue to pray for recovery and salvation.)

6.  Eddie Pawig RN and Allison Garcia RN (WA, USA, frontliners, please pray that they would be spared from infection.)  

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