Meditation Text: Psalm 33:12-22
Pas Fidel Domingo
Mga Pasasalamat
- Sa blessedness of having Christ as our mediator and His word our constant guide.
- Sa lahat ng gospel/ ministry opportunities God is giving us to serve.
- Sa blessedness ng 2 ordinances na larawan ng Ebanghelyo,the Lord’s supper and baptism po
- Sa continued unity if the spirit in the bond of truth sa mga kapatiran at growing love for d brethren for Christ’s sake
Mga Panalangin
- Patuloy na sa kindness and goodness ng Dios ay commitment ng bawa’t isa sa amin sa mga means of grace in d Christian to grow more to Christlikeness po(Rom.8:29).
- Patuloy na sa kindness and goodness ng Dios ay commitment ng bawa’t isa sa amin sa mga means of grace in d Christian to grow more to Christlikeness po(Rom.8:29).
- God’s blessing ng Dios sa 2 applicants of members, may their true conversion be evident ayon sa Acts 2:47.
- Continually a growing compassionate heart for the lost and that each will maintain a good Christian testimony being salt and light in every believer’s sphere of influence.
- Lagi po naming panabikan at paghandaan ang pagsamba/paglapit sa Diyos ayon sa Heb.12:28-29 at a heart/our eyes always focused sa blessed hope po(Tito 2:11-15) and zealous for good works.
Pastors Mon Macapagal, Ismael Montejo, Joseph Mangahas
News and thanksgiving
- We thank God for the recently concluded Annual Pastors’ Conference of CRBC. Although we purposely limited the number of participants, we still had about 220 who came in person. We also had positive feedback to the organization and the messages delivered in this conference. The books that were supposed to be given did not come on time but praise God we had the Tagalog version of the 1689 BCF and old stock of books that weren’t given last year. We give our heartfelt thanks to all those who supported this conference.
- Praise God once again for adding to our church 5 new members in February. Lord willing this month, we shall receive another 3 to membership. To God be the glory alone.
- Lord willing, we shall have our first in-person church retreat since the pandemic. We shall hold it at The Tribe of Judah Events Place, Baras, Rizal. It will be held on April 6-8. Please pray that the Lord would use this retreat to edify and strengthen our unity as a church. May Christ be exalted through this retreat.
- Please pray for our weekly ministries: (1) The Prison Ministry being led by brother Jesse Torres. This ministry is in cooperation with the church of our missionary Raymond Mendoza in Jeddah, KSA. (2) Evangelistic On-line ministry every Saturday at 7pm being led by Ptr. Ismael Montejo (3) Membership class every Thursday at 7pm. Being led by Ptr. Mon Macapagal (4) Saturday Bible study at 3pm being led by Ptr. Mon.
- Pray also for our drop-in ministry every Thursday. This is our ministry for the homeless people in Cubao. Pray for the preaching of the gospel that it may yield conversion among the homeless people.
- Pray for the ministry of GMA and the Friday class. For Ptr. Noel Espinosa to be given sustained good health and strength in his teaching ministry and the other tutors as well.
- Pray that God may raise more men to be pastors and deacons of our church.
- Pray for our church planting work in Montalban Rizal, being led by our missionary Raymond Mendoza. They now have a meeting place and are holding Lord’s Day services.
- Please pray for our outreach in Surallah, South Cotabato, Mindanao. This is being led by our member Edgar Escabillas who is local resident in this province. Pray that Lord willing a church will be covenanted in that place..
- We thank the Lord for His sustenance among the membership of our church as they continually fulfilling their covenant.
- We are thankful for the ministry every Lord’s Day and our weekly activities for gospel opportunities.
- There are few visitors who regularly join our Sunday Services. They have the opportunity to hear the gospel and witness the fellowship of the believers.
- The Lord will be glorified as He continually blesses us in every spiritual blessing in our fellowship and activities. May His presence be with us every Lord’s Day.
- We are praying for the conversion of the attendees of our weekly evangelistic home Bible Studies. We are also praying for more open doors for the gospel in our area.
- We have two applicants for church membership. May their testimonies and lives will be a blessing and encouragement for our church. We will be having a membership class.
- We are praying that God will bless us with men for the diaconal office. May the Lord equip the church with His word regarding this matter.
- We are planning to save for our building as the Lord blesses us with financial provision. We are praying for how many years for a conducive place for worship and our church’s weekly activities.
- May the Lord continue to grant strength and wisdom to Pastor Levi for his ministries. Also pray for his wife, Roanne, for her safe pregnancy.
1. Last Sunday
- Sunday School – 1689 LBC: Chapter 24 – Of Civil Magistrates (Part 2)
- Morning Service – Why Me?
- Evening Service – Warning Against Complacency (Amos 6:1-8)
2. This Sunday
- Sunday school – Pas Clyde
- Morning Service – Pas Rolly
- Evening Service – Pas Mike
3. Other ministries.
- Last Week – Trafalgar, Choi, Fellowship BS, Youth Fellowship
- Kids SS – Sis Elaine, Sis Brenda, Sis Melba
- Memory Drill – Sis France
- Bible Studies – Portillo
- Thanksgiving –
2. Birthdays – Bro Gerard
3. Health –
4. Travel – Bro Carl
5. Job Seekers – Cha, Renzy, Yel
6. Nation – Wisdom & guidance, Peace and order, Economy, Salvation
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