MCBC PRAYER ITEMS – 07/07/2022 

Meditation Passage: Psalm 11


Grace Reformed Baptist Church (Calauag) Pas. Romy Endaya 

Thanksgiving & Petitions

1. Thank God for His sustaining grace, in providing for our individual needs and of our various 

ministries as well as in preserving us from harm, both physically and spiritually.

2. We opened a bible study in another barangay in Quezon, Quezon with the relatives of one of our 

members; and another one in Calauag, with some reforming singles from Lopez, Quezon. Thank God for these new opportunities. Pray for conversion and conviction from these ministries.

3. Pray for our DVBS this week in Calauag, and next week in Quezon, Quezon. Our theme is: Ang 

Pagsisisi ni Jonah At Ng Mga Taga-Niniveh. May God bless the lessons and the activities that the children may be brought to a corresponding knowledge and understanding of sin and the need for repentance. 

4. Continue to pray for our regular evangelistic Home Bible Studies and the Online Word of Life 

Studies with friends of Ptr. Romy in several locations in the country via Messenger Meet. Pray for conversion in these ministries. 

5. Continue to pray for our need for a Deacon and able men. Pray for wisdom and good health for Ptr. 

Romy and Bro. Mike

6. Pray for regular source of livelihood for our brethren in Quezon, Quezon who are mostly daily wage 


7. We are now in the process of printing the Tagalog Translation of Sam Waldron’s 1689 BCF 

Exposition. Ptr. Steve has already asked and Dr. Waldron have granted the permission to print the book. We are still awaiting word from Evangelical Press, being the publisher, regarding their permission. We are also eyeing some proceeds from the sale of the book as fund-raising for the construction of our church building. Please pray for God’s blessing on this project.

Grace Covenant Baptist Chruch  – (Numancia, Aklan) Pas Helbert Salvador

Prayer concerns:

1. The Lord special presence, guidance, provision during Lord’s

2. Recovery for our aged members- Nanay Aiding at Nanay Esteling.

3. Genuine repentance one of our member who committed adultery, she now under discipline, comfort to her 

family especially to her husband.

4. Church outreaches and B.S.

5. Men’s training during Saturday evening.

6. Church lot and deacon, as of now wala pa kaming deacon sa church.

7. Knowledge and wisdom for me as I prepare and deliver God’s Holy Word.

8. Spiritual growth to all members.

9. The Lord’s guidance and protection to our members na malayo, si Jasper sa mla. Jacinth sa baguio, MaiMai 

sa Alabama.

Trinity Bible Church – Haiti– Pastor Francisco Guzman  

A.SOCIAL SITUATION: Social & economic situation is at its most desperate point. 

  • The war between gangs, insecurity produced by the kidnappers, the drought, lack of food, unemployment, the collapse of the health system, the absence of electricity and the lack of fuel for more than a year to move the vehicles and emergency power plants. All of this, produce every day a cocktail of extreme poverty in the lives of millions of men, women, elderly and children who subsist on the threshold of the “valley of the shadow of death”. 
  • Please pray for the millions of our brothers in Christ who are daily crushed by the powerful hand of indigence to thicken this cocktail of extreme poverty.

B. MINISTRIES: Our response toward that bitter history that Haitians are creating daily with their lives are drawn in two aspects:

1. The first one is spiritual, working with the pastors and leaders to give them theological formation through Pastoral Conferences and our Trinity Ministerial Academy, as well as financial support for

several of them. 

  • Please pray for 2 two-days conferences we will have in August, one in Cap Haitian in the North and the other in Hinche, in the Central Plateau. 
  • Please also pray for the 24 pastors who will participate in the Ministerial Academy, that the Lord provides for them in the midst of the desert in which they minister. 
  • Please pray for more than 300 pastors and leaders who will be exposed to the doctrines of Grace and Reformed Theology through our conferences, classes and the literatures we give them. May the Lord provide for their urgent needs and keep them and their churches. in the midst of dangers and needs for sustenance and shelter.

2. The second response that we are giving to the situation in which they live is with the Theology of

Work, moving the arm of mercy of our kind heavenly Father, through the Esperance Haiti Foundation, helping them to eradicate the fatalistic and animistic worldviews created by Voodoo, through the teaching of the Theology of Work and the creation of jobs with our micro-credit program. 

  • Please pray for the 44,962 businesses that by God’s grace we have helped create. May the Lord open wide doors for them in the midst of the desolation in which the country lives. May the Lord continue to bless the 16,235 associates that are active in the program, so that we may maintain our repayment rate at 98.84% as we have today by the grace of God. 
  • Please also pray so that the Lord may grant us to take the Esperance Haiti program to more regions of Haiti. Actually we are in 4 of the 10 Departments in Haiti.

General Prayer Concerns:

  • May our Lord move the international community to come to the aid of Haiti.
  • May our Lord provide us to start an adult literacy program among our brothers.
  • May our Lord provide good literatures for the growth in the knowledge of the Son of God and the Grace of the Lord.


1. Last Sunday 

  • Sunday School – The Temporal Imperfections & Triumph of Sanctification (1689 LBC)  
  • Morning Service –  The Great Desire of Ministers (1 Thes 2:17-18) 
  • Evening Service – Two Towering Realizations: The struggles of remaining corruption & the glorious deliverance of Christ. (Romans 7:24-25) 

2. This Sunday 

  • Sunday school – Pas Rolly 
  • Morning Service – Pas Rolly 
  • Evening Service – Pas Clyde 

3. Other ministries. 

  • Last Week – Bible studies: Fellowship BS 
  • Kids Sunday School – Sis. Chalsea (Level 1), Sis. Elot (Level 2), Bro. Carl (Level 3)
  • Bible Studies – Trafalgar (Pas Rolly), SECO Compound (Pas Mike), Fellowship BS (P. Clyde)


  • Saturday Prayer Meeting
  • SOCA after PM service


1.ThanksgivingReymark & Alyssa’s wedding. 

2. Health 

3. Wedding – P. Mike

4. Choi

5.  Nation – Leaders, Peace and stability, Economy, Covid Situation, salvation, UKR-RUS tension. 

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